ArduSimple simpleRTK3B Heading Board (with or without headers Headers)
simpleRTK3B is a standalone board that allows to evaluate dual band RTK GNSS technology including heading functionality. It’s based on Septentrio mosaic-H module and can be used standalone, or connected with Raspberry Pi, Nvidia Jetson Nano and STM32 Nucleo platforms, as a Shield.
Dual antenna L1/L2/E5b RTK rover made simple for Position+Attitude up to 50Hz. Powered by Septentrio Mosaic-H.
This product is compatible but doesn’t include a multiband GNSS antenna, which is necessary to use the product.
The module will not give good performance with a standard GNSS antenna, requires a L1/L2/E5b antenna.
This product is compatible but doesn’t include radio, which is necessary to connect to another base.
This board is recommended if you want to test Septentrio mosaic-H performance.
This product only works as Rover, can’t be used as Base Station.
Compatible with all Ardusimple XBee socket accessories (4G modem, MR/LR/XLR radios, Bluetooth, WiFi, Ethernet, Dataloggers, RS232)
Compatible with Ardusimple plastic case
2 x USB type C connector
Ardupilot compatible via JST-GH standard connector
You have the choice to order the board without, or directly with soldered headers.
• GPS: L1, L2
• Galileo: E1, E5b
• Beidou: B1, B2
• QZSS: L1, L2
simpleRTK3B supports different operating modes
Standalone – simplest way of reaching 1m position accuracy without range limitations
The most basic configuration is to use simpleRTK3B as a standalone GNSS application board.
Connect it to your computer or smartphone and enjoy your position in seconds.
Base – rover configuration – get <1cm accuracy with a maximum range of 35km from the base station
Use two simpleRTK3B configured as base station and rover.
Connect the base station and/or rover to your computer or smartphone and you will get both positions in seconds.
Base – multiple rovers configuration – get <1cm accuracy with a maximum range of 35km from the base station
Configure one simpleRTK3B as base and broadcast its RTK corrections to both your simpleRTK2B and simpleRTK3B to get centimeter level accuracy.
Connect it to your computer or smartphone and you will get your position in seconds.
RTK Heading – get <1cm accuracy and a complete Attitude and Heading Reference system with a maximum range of 35km from the base station
Install simpleRTK3B and get position+heading, or connect to a base station and get RTK+heading.
Connect it to your computer or smartphone and you will get your position, attitude and heading in seconds.