wortek GmbH
Rankinestr. 4
86899 Landsberg am Lech
Related products to this article
Read and write to RFID tags up to 6cm away. Supports EM4100 series, ISO11785 FDX-B and the PhidgetTag protocols.
90,99 € *
- Available immediately
Delivery time: 8 - 9 Workdays (DE - int. shipments may differ)
A credit card sized EM4102 RFID tag. Fits in standard wallets.
5,19 € *
- Available immediately
Delivery time: 8 - 9 Workdays (DE - int. shipments may differ)
An RFID tag on an elastic wristband. For when you need to keep track of lots of people. Uses EM4102 protocol
10,58 € *
- Available immediately
Delivery time: 8 - 9 Workdays (DE - int. shipments may differ)
A PVC disc with an RFID tag embedded in it. Uses EM4102 protocol.
3,72 € *
- Available immediately
Delivery time: 8 - 9 Workdays (DE - int. shipments may differ)
A plastic disc with an EM4012 tag embedded in it. A nail or screw through the hole in the center makes for easy mount...
4,17 € *
- Available immediately
Delivery time: 8 - 9 Workdays (DE - int. shipments may differ)
Ever heard of animal tagging? Here's how they do it. Designed for mid-sized birds like a chicken. Uses EM4102 protocol.
4,46 € *
- Available immediately
Delivery time: 8 - 9 Workdays (DE - int. shipments may differ)
A credit card sized T5577 RFID tag. Fits in standard wallets. Needs to be written to before use.
5,52 € *
- Available immediately
Delivery time: 8 - 9 Workdays (DE - int. shipments may differ)
A writable RFID tag on an adjustable wristband. Ideal for keeping track of people. Must be written to before use.
7,84 € *
- Available immediately
Delivery time: 8 - 9 Workdays (DE - int. shipments may differ)
A plastic disc with a writable RFID tag in it. The hole makes for easy mounting. T5577 tags must be written to before...
5,58 € *
- Available immediately
Delivery time: 8 - 9 Workdays (DE - int. shipments may differ)
A PVC disc with an RFID tag embedded in it. T5577 tags must be written to before use.
4,44 € *
- Available immediately
Delivery time: 8 - 9 Workdays (DE - int. shipments may differ)
An EM4012 RFID tag that can even be read when it is in close proximity to metal. If you want to use a tag on metal th...
7,14 € *
- Available immediately
Delivery time: 8 - 9 Workdays (DE - int. shipments may differ)
A blue ABS key fob RFID tag. Uses EM4102 protocol.
4,09 € *
- Available immediately
A blue ABS key fob RFID tag. Uses EM4102 protocol.
4,09 € *
- Available immediately
Delivery time: 1 - 2 Workdays (DE - int. shipments may differ)
An RFID tag on an adjustable wristband. For when you need to keep track of lots of people. Uses EM4102 protocol.
7,99 € *
- Available immediately
Delivery time: 1 - 2 Workdays (DE - int. shipments may differ)
Designed to fit into a hole found on common waste bins but can be used with any matching threads. Uses EM4102 protocol.
4,99 € *
- Available immediately
Delivery time: 1 - 2 Workdays (DE - int. shipments may differ)
A writable, grey ABS key fob RFID tag. T5577 tags must be written to before use.
4,49 € *
- Available immediately
A writable, grey ABS key fob RFID tag. T5577 tags must be written to before use.
4,49 € *
- Available immediately
Delivery time: 1 - 2 Workdays (DE - int. shipments may differ)
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